
Top10State sWithTheMostUF [アナウンサー]

Top 10 States With The Most UFO Sightings.

Top 10 States With The Most UFO Sightings.

It has always been fascinating to me that so many people report they have seen UFOs. I believe there are other life forms in the Universe. I am on the fence when it comes to if they made it to earth. That being said the Pentagon has released some very interesting videos in the last year.
There are hundreds of groups and organizations that put a lot of effort into this subject. Today we look at the states in the US that have reported the most since the 1970s. We did a video like this about Big Foot some months back and sort of touched on this subject last year.
I hope you enjoy the video.

[新月]My Other Channels:
? On This Day
? According To Briggs

The camera I use and you should too if you have kids, grandkids, pets, you like to hike, or do anything else that includes moving and filming:
It is small and easy to use.


[黒ハート]Things You should watch or listen to:
Hermens Outdoors:
Caffeinated Humor Podcast:
Kimmie the Explorer:

Business & Voice over email:

Mailing Address: World According to Briggs
20449 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy
# 354
Aloha, Oregon 97003
tag: where to live in America,Top 10,Top Ten Lists,world according to Briggs,United States,Ranked,Lists,Best States,Best Cities,Relocate,ufo sightings,ufo sightings 2021,ufo sighting navy,ufo sightings in usa,ufo caught on camera real footage,alien encounters of the third kind,big news,ufo videos,ufo caught on camera,unidentified flying objects,most amazing,ufo footage released by pentagon
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ハケンアニメ! [報道]


連続アニメ『サウンドバック 奏の石』で夢の監督デビューが決定した瞳。だが、気合が空振りして制作現場には早くも暗雲が・・・。瞳を大抜擢してくれたはずのプロデューサー・行城は、ビジネス最優先で瞳にとって最大のストレスメーカー。「なんで分かってくれないの!」、だけど日本中に最高のアニメを届けたい!そんなワケで目下大奮闘中。最大のライバルは『運命戦線リデルライト』。瞳も憧れる天才・王子千晴監督の復帰作だ。王子復活に賭けるのはその才能に惚れ抜いたプロデューサーの香屋子・・・しかし、彼女も王子の超ワガママ、気まぐれに振り回され「お前、ほんっとーに、ふざけんな!」と、大大悪戦苦闘中だった。瞳は一筋縄じゃいかないスタッフや声優たちも巻き込んで、熱い“想い”をぶつけ合いながら“ハケン=覇権” を争う戦いを繰り広げる!!その勝負の行方は!?アニメの仕事人たちを待つのは栄冠か?果たして、瞳の想いは人々の胸に刺さるのか?(C)2022映画「ハケンアニメ!」製作委員会

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